“Wolf in Cheap Clothing”

In Book #8 in the Technology Skills for Kids series of picture books, Tech Wizard Mike talks about malware (commonly called “viruses”).

Some malicious software applications actually masquerade as helpful programs (which they are most certainly are not).

Something that seems very legitimate and and beneficial can actually be a ruse, a ploy, a subterfuge, a scheme, or a contrivance of some sort designed to trick you into installing something horrible onto your device.

How to make the concept visually engaging to children?

Tech Wizard Mike refers to such software as being the proverbial wolf in sheep’s clothing.

A wolf in sheep's clothing means someone who hides malicious intent under the guise of kindliness.

Here is a reference image that Mike the Wizard put together…

Here is a sketch based on that reference image created by Alla Martynova…

(The finished illustration appears in the malware picture book.)

a slightly more humorous take…

Instead of terming a malicious software package masquerading as something benign and beneficial as being the proverbial “wolf in sheep’s clothing”, Tech Wizard Mike originally intended to quote Bugs Bunny by calling it a “wolf in cheap clothing” which resulted in this charming illustration by Henry Viera