Spanish/English Bilingual Picture Book and Coloring Book

After recently completing the Spanish edition of Sally Book Bunny and the Search for the Lost Key (Sally Book Bunny y la búsqueda de la llave perdida), Tech Wizard Mike had the notion to create a Spanish-English bilingual edition and a coloring book edition 🤯

These were originally intended to be two separate books but then (after collaborating with illustrator Henry on the most economical way of creating the bilingual edition), the idea arose of combining the two.

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cover sketch

The challenge for the cover for this edition was how to convey the fact that this is a coloring book and a Spanish/English Bilingual Picture Book.

Well as usual, illustrator Henry was more than up to the challenge 🏅

Here is his initial sketch for the cover…

Cover Final

Once again Tech Wizard Mike was literally stunned by Henry’s imaginativeness and was inspired to be more creative than he otherwise would have been — and so Tech Wizard Mike quickly responded with several ideas of his own for some additions / revisions for the front cover — which Henry agreeably incorporated:

Bilingual Cover Children's Picture Book Cover

Just one thing…

I asked Henry if one of the of the “!colorea!” text needed to be “color!”



correction needed?
