Meet Tech Wizard Mike

Tech wizard mike

Tech Wizard Mike has been teaching mature adults how to use computers, mobile devices and the Internet since 1995.

He works in his local senior center helping people with their smartphones, tablets, computers, and even “mystery gadgets” 😯


fun facts about your favorite tech wizard tour guide

* He often refers to himself in the third person in his videos, books and blog posts.

* The first (and last) video game he played was “Pong” 📺


* Tech Wizard Mike has diligently and conscientiously scribed an easy to read, lighthearted and whimsical series of “Help for the Technology Shy” books.

The Little Computer Help Book

* Tech Wizard Mike also writes children’s picture books…

childrens picture book with friendship lessons
…when he is not helping mature adults find jobs and self-publish their own works.

* He did not take to technology like a duck to water (far from it).

worried duck

* Tech Wizard Mike’s first assignment for his circa 1981 high school “Introduction to Computer Science” class was to print his name by feeding punch cards into a mainframe computer (it took him a week 🙈).

mainframe computer

*It was then that Tech Wizard Mike learned the GIGO (“Garbage in, Garbage out”) principle:


* He is human companion to four felines =^.^=

tabby cat tech wizard workstation