hard pass on portrayal of anger management issues

The amazing illustrators of the Technology Skills for Kids picture books (e.g. Dinnie, Henry & Tanya) wonderfully convey examples of positive collaborations amongst the various characters — both human and anthropomorphic — within a non-threatening atmosphere.

“digital citizenship” example drawn by Dinnie
wizard and tabby vs. donkey
“obstinance concept” drawn by Henry

Safe Zone

Mike the Wizard opted to not portray examples of hostility (no matter how whimsically drawn).

stick figures in watercolor by Tanya

We will explore bullying in upcoming picture books but the Technology Skills for Kids picture books are “anger free” as to not distract children from the safe and responsible technology use lessons.

“Well-meaning jackasses”, “nogoodniks” (bad eggs) and “know-it-alls” do appear in the picture books (particularly in Good Help is (Not) Hard to Find) but these characters are not malevolent and are used to convey examples of bad technology help (and personalities who would not make good friends).

Tech Wizard Mike also wanted to offer picture books that gave children a nice place to visit that was free of harshness and negative feelings.

For every minute you remain angry, you give up sixty seconds of peace of mind.