children’s picture book back cover illustration

Tech Wizard Mike asked Illustrator Henry to create an illustration that would be on the back cover of “Sally Book Bunny” — which will be the Spanish/English Bilingual and coloring book edition of Sally Book Bunny y la búsqueda de la llave perdida.

NOTE: It went without saying that Henry would create an illustration that was charming, whimsical and engaging to children that would be apropos to the book’s story.

The Sketch

sketch for children's picture book back cover


Henry colors the illustration 🖌️ 🎨

Back cover colored


Revisions requested…

After seeing the completed illustration in color, Tech Wizard Mike was uncertain about something…

Hi Henry, this is splendid work!As always, I love the characters poses and expressions

It just occurred to me though 🤔

Do you think it works thematically for the Lost Key story?

To which, Henry replied…

It’s true Michael! I can change the colors to match the theme.

Colors changed to match theme…

Back cover final version