Appreciate those who appreciate you…

leaving job

You deserve the best!

Rule of thumb: If you do not feel valued and welcome within a group, it’s probably because you’re not.

This being the case, you may need to simply walk away from people who do not appreciate and respect you.

Surround yourself with people who make you feel happy and accepted. It is better to be alone than to wish you were.

Keeping it retro

After Tech Wizard Mike’s sudden departure from the organization (he was frankly abused into quitting), he received a card from a kind and supportive person that he had worked closely with.

In addition to the heartfelt sentiment, Tech Wizard Mike greatly appreciated the extra effort that went into this card.

“Cheer” could have sent an email or a text message but she opted for something much more engaging and personal — and she knew how much Tech Wizard Mike loved Peanuts!

card from a friendly and supportive coworker


card from a friendly and supportive coworker


Make it a habit to tell people to thank you. To express your appreciation, sincerely and without the expectation of anything in return.